Dohaintza egin

Bihurtu babesle

Lagundu Thunderbird hobea egiten.

MZLA Technologies Corporation is the for-profit organization sustaining the free software mission of Thunderbird. Our work is to provide open source apps that are secure, private and available for users around the world. Your support helps us:

  • Garatu aplikazio, integrazio eta funtzio, berriak
  • Hobetu interfazea, abiadura eta egonkortasuna
  • Sustatu Thunderbird eta software askatasuna
  • Hornitu milioika aplikazio libre eta doan deskarga urtero

Not tax deductible as a charitable donation

Ohiko galderak

Jarri gurekin harremanetan

Questions about donating? See common answers below. If you still need help donating, please contact us via this form.
Want to provide product feedback? Head over to Mozilla Connect.
Need product or technical support? Visit our knowledgebase and community support forum.

Zein bide erabil ditzaket?

You can donate online securely by credit card or PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and by bank transfers through SEPA, iDEAL and ACH.
Give in your local currency! We accept over 100! Choose yours from the drop down menu next to ‘Amount’.
You can give offline in USD only by mailing a check or money order made payable to "MZLA Technologies Corp". Mail to:

  • MZLA
  • PO Box 25718
  • Pasadena CA 91185-5718

Please include your email address on the memo line of your check to help us track and attribute your gift. We can only send acknowledgement receipts by email.

Give the gift of your time! If you would like to learn how to contribute to Thunderbird in other ways such as coding, translating or testing, please visit our Participate page.

Nola ezeztatu edo aldatu ohi dut opari errepikakorra? Nire ordainketa-metodoa edo nire dohaintza-maiztasuna alda al dezaket?

Access your plan details from the Donor Portal or from the 'Manage My Donation' button on your recent donation confirmation email. You can change the amount, frequency, payment method and charge date. You can also cancel your recurring plan and download your receipts.

Nire opariak laguntza teknologikorako sarbidea ematen dit?

All Thunderbird technical support is community-based and available to everyone. Visit our support forum. We do not provide individual tech support in exchange for financial gifts.

How do I get a receipt?

You will receive an email confirmation whenever you donate and this will include a receipt for your records. You can also access your receipt history at any time from our Donor Portal.

Nire oparia, zergan kengarria da?

Gifts to Thunderbird are not tax-deductible as charitable gifts, but are greatly appreciated!
Giving to Thunderbird supports the development of open source apps that are secure, private and available for users around the world. Your support also ensures that our core apps remain free for everyone.

Zergatik behar duzue nire helbide-elektronikoa opari bat egiteko?

Zure pribatutasuna oso garrantzitsua dela ulertzen dugu; ados gaude, eta hori da Thunderbird eta Mozillan gure balio nagusi bat. Zure helbidea Ordainketa Prozesuaren parte da, Harremanetarako eta Dohaintza Informazioa gure Pribatutasun Politikan azaltzen dugu. Datu hauek ordainketa prozesatzeko, transakzio-ordainagiriak, iruzurrak detektatzeko eta erregistroak gordetzeko erabiltzen dira. Jasotzen ditugun informazio pertsonaleko datuei, fidagarri garen hirugarrenen saltzaileei eta zenbat denboran gordetzen ditugun zure datuak ezagutu nahi badituzu, mesedez, jo gure Webguneak, Komunikazioak eta Cookieen Pribatutasun Oharra.

Nola desaktibatu dezaket dohaintza-mezua Thunderbird hasierako orrialdean?

Zure hasierako orria pertsonalizatzen ikasteko, mesedez, bisitatu:

Nola lor dezaket nire enpresarako faktura?

When you donate via our online form, simply check the box 'Donate as an Organization' and include your company name. Your transaction receipt will include your company name. If you need a copy of your receipt, download from our Donor Portal.

Segurua al da nere dohaintza?

Bai, industriako SSL teknologia estandarra erabiltzen dugu zure informazioa seguru mantentzeko. Striperekin lankidetzan gaude, munduko enpresa handienetako batzuek fidagarria dena egiaztatu duten ordainketa-prozesadorearekin. Zure finantza-informazio sentikorrak ez ditu inoiz gure zerbitzariak ukitzen. Datu guztiak zuzenean bidaltzen ditugu Stripe-ren PCI-rekin bat datozen zerbitzarietara SSL bidez. Zure pribatutasuna oso garrantzitsua dela ulertzen dugu. Informazio osoa lortzeko, ikusi Mozillaren Pribatutasun Politika.

Eska al dezaket itzulketa bat?

Your donation may be eligible for a refund. You must contact us within 15 days of payment date. If you believe this payment was made without your authorization, please contact us immediately. Donations made via ACH or SEPA direct debit are ineligible for refunds. Due to the nature of these transactions our policy prioritizes minimizing refund fraud. We appreciate your understanding. If you need assistance, please contact us.

Are there additional fees added to my donation?

We do not collect any additional fees or taxes. When you donate in your local currency you are not charged a conversion fee by your credit card. You can choose to also cover the payment processing transaction costs. This is completely voluntary and you may opt in or out using the checkbox on our donation form. Our organization is based in the United States. We encourage donors to research any additional external taxes or fees that may be applied by regulators such as your bank or tax authority.

What do the transaction costs cover?

When you opt to cover our payment transaction costs, you're covering both our payment processing and donation platform fees. The costs associated with our robust online donation system allows us to continue scaling sustainably as our supporter-base grows. Our donation platform and payment processor partners reduce internal costs associated with maintaining our own system from scratch. Our partners ensure we can accept a wide range of currencies/payment methods and remain PCI compliant in all of the countries that we accept gifts from. The transaction costs you may choose to cover are based on an estimate of our overall costs. Due to many factors actual costs may fluctuate.

Zergatik agertzen dira ordainketa bakarreko dohaintzak errepikari gisa SEPAren aginduetan?

SEPA zordunketa zuzenaren bidez ordainketa bakarreko opari bat egitean, transakzio errepikakorren aipamena nabarituko duzu. Gure ordainketa-prozesadoreak Stripe-k ordainketa-mota honetarako behin eta berriz transakzioak soilik onartzen dituelako gertatzen da. Hori gorabehera, behin bakarrik kobratuko dizugu eta ez dugu ordainketa gehiagorik egingo zure kontuan zure baimenik gabe. Agintaldiari jarraituz, dohaintza ordainagiria ofiziala jasoko duzu, zeina argi eta garbi islatuko duen dohaintza bakarra.

Kriptotxanponak erabil ditzaket?

EZ. Orain ez ditugu kriptotxanponak onartzen dohaintzetan.

Nola erabiliko da nire oparia?

Thunderbird is the leading open source email and productivity app that is free for business and personal use. Your gift helps ensure it stays that way, and supports ongoing development.

Zein da Thunderbird proiektuaren harremana MZLA Technologies Corporationekin?

MZLA Technologies Corporation is a wholly owned for-profit subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation and the home of Thunderbird.

Thunderbirdek ez du sarrerarik?

Currently, nearly 100% of Thunderbird’s operating revenue comes from the generous gifts of Thunderbird users.

Bihurtu laguntzaile korporatiboa

Ziurtatu etorkizun ireki bat zeuretzat eta munduarentzat.

Organizations deploying Thunderbird at scale or who share our passion for expanding digital freedoms can make a difference by becoming a one-time or recurring corporate supporter. Small to medium size contributions can be made with the form above. For contributions greater than $5000 USD please contact our business team. Thank you in advance for your generous support!

Kohetea Thunderbird logoaz.

Ikasi zer den hurrena

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